

Controversia en sector Cannabis por borrador de decreto que da exclusividad en venta de flor seca

El Ministerio de Salud publicó un borrador de decreto que autoriza la venta de flor seca de cannabis en Colombia, pero otorga exclusividad de dos años a pequeños y medianos cultivadores, generando inconformidad en el sector empresarial.

Opinómetro: desaprobación del presidente Gustavo Petro subió al 61%

En el Opinómetro de Datexco Company S.A a los colombianos se les consultó, entre otros temas, sobre la gestión del presidente de la República, Gustavo Petro.

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Bangkok (Thailand), 16/07/2024.- A worker prepares cannabis for customers at Royal Queen Seeds cannabis store in Bangkok, Thailand, 16 July 2024 (issued 19 July 2024). Two years after Thailand decriminalized cannabis, the government plans to reclassify it as a narcotic and ban its recreational use by 01 January 2025. Although recreational consumption was never officially legal, the 2022 decriminalization led to a loosely regulated market with thousands of marijuana-focused stores. The new legislation aims to restrict cannabis to medical purposes, a move that threatens to divide the coalition government and raises concerns about negative impacts on businesses and investor confidence. Advocacy groups, including Royal Queen Seeds, which runs large facilities offering cannabis products and workshops, are protesting the changes. (Protestas, Tailandia) EFE/EPA/NARONG SANGNAK
Bangkok (Thailand), 16/07/2024.- A worker prepares cannabis for customers at Royal Queen Seeds cannabis store in Bangkok, Thailand, 16 July 2024 (issued 19 July 2024). Two years after Thailand decriminalized cannabis, the government plans to reclassify it as a narcotic and ban its recreational use by 01 January 2025. Although recreational consumption was never officially legal, the 2022 decriminalization led to a loosely regulated market with thousands of marijuana-focused stores. The new legislation aims to restrict cannabis to medical purposes, a move that threatens to divide the coalition government and raises concerns about negative impacts on businesses and investor confidence. Advocacy groups, including Royal Queen Seeds, which runs large facilities offering cannabis products and workshops, are protesting the changes. (Protestas, Tailandia) EFE/EPA/NARONG SANGNAK
Berlin (Germany), 16/08/2023.- Hemp plants are on display at the Hemp Museum in Berlin, Germany, 16 August 2023. On 16 August 2023 German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach informed about a draft law on the controlled use of cannabis. (Alemania) EFE/EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
Berlin (Germany), 16/08/2023.- Hemp plants are on display at the Hemp Museum in Berlin, Germany, 16 August 2023. On 16 August 2023 German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach informed about a draft law on the controlled use of cannabis. (Alemania) EFE/EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
Se hundió el proyecto que regulaba el cannabis de uso adulto. Créditos: Getty Images
Congreso de Colombia. Foto: Getty Images - Rodrigo Blanco / RodrigoBlanco

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