

Más de 60 hectáreas afectadas deja voraz incendio en el Parque Nacional Natural Los Nevados

La conflagración se registra en el municipio de Murillo, Tolima, sin embargo, en las últimas horas está avanzando a jurisdicciones del departamento de Caldas.

Incendio de gran magnitud arrasa el páramo de La Cortadera en Boyacá

Desde Gestión del Riesgo de Boyacá se hizo la solicitud de dos avionetas a la Unidad Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo porque los helicópteros no pueden acceder al lugar

Por prevención, cierran temporalmente caminos de los Cerros Orientales

Según las autoridades, hasta el mes de marzo se presentará tiempo seco en la capital.

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Malibu (United States), 16/01/2025.- A photo taken by a drone shows an aerial view of a neighborhood destroyed by the Palisades wildfire in Malibu, California, USA, 15 January 2025. Multiple wildfires, which have already destroyed thousands of homes and forced the evacuation of numerous neighborhoods, continue to burn across thousands of acres in Southern California, including the Los Angeles area. (incendio forestal) EFE/EPA/TED SOQUI
Los Angeles (United States), 11/01/2025.- A helicopter does a water drop over a home during the Palisades wildfire in Los Angeles, California, USA, 11 January 2025. Thousands of firefighting and emergency personnel are involved in response efforts, as multiple wildfires are continuing to burn across thousands of acres in Southern California, destroying thousands of homes and forcing people to evacuate areas throughout the Los Angeles area. (incendio forestal) EFE/EPA/ALLISON DINNER
-FOTODELDIA- Altadena (Estados Unidos), 10/01/2025.- Vista de un camión de juegete junto a una casa destruida por las llamas en Altadena, California, Estados Unidos. Los bomberos de Los Ángeles han logrado avanzar en el control de los incendios que no dan tregua y hasta el momento han dejado un saldo de 11 víctimas fatales, una cifra que se teme pueda aumentar una vez que los equipos de rescate puedan comenzar a buscar entre los escombros. EFE/ Caroline Brehman
Altadena (United States), 09/01/2025.- People looking over the remains of a home that was destroyed by the Eaton wildfire in the Altadena, California, USA, 09 January 2025. According to the California Governor's office, more than 7,500 firefighting and emergency personnel are involved in response efforts, as multiple wildfires are burning across thousands of acres and have forced widespread evacuations in the Los Angeles area. (incendio forestal) EFE/EPA/ALLISON DINNER
ACOMPAÑA CRÓNICA EEUU INCENDIOS USA9963. ALTADENA (ESTADOS UNIDOS), 08/01/2025.- Fotografía de una zona afectada por un incendio este miércoles, en Altadena, California (Estados Unidos). Varios residentes afectados por los históricos incendios de Los Ángeles han desobedecido las órdenes de evacuación para tratar de salvar sus viviendas, aunque para muchos es muy poco lo que pueden hacer sin asistencia de los bomberos que se han visto superados por la emergencia. EFE/ Ana Milena Varón
Pretoria (South Africa), 11/12/2024.- Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, attends a joint press conference with the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa during the former's visit to Pretoria, South Africa, 11 December 2024. South Africa is the first African country to hold the rotating year-long G20 presidency, which South Africa assumed on 01 December 2024. (Sudáfrica) EFE/EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Altadena (United States), 08/01/2025.- Homes destroyed by the Eaton wildfire in Altadena, California, USA, 08 January 2025. According to data from California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, CAL FIRE, multiple wildfires are burning across thousands of acres and forced tens of thousands of evacuations in the Los Angeles area. (incendio forestal) EFE/EPA/CAROLINE BREHMAN
Malibu (United States), 08/01/2025.- The remains of a burnt home lie in front of a house on fire in an area affected by the Palisades wildfire in Malibu, California, USA, 08 January 2025. According to data from California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, CAL FIRE, the Palisades fire has burned through thousands of acres and has forced tens of thousands of evacuations in the Los Angeles area. (incendio forestal) EFE/EPA/ALLISON DINNER
Los Angeles (United States), 08/01/2025.- Multiple homes burn from the Palisades wildfire in Pacific Palisades, California, USA, 07 January 2025. According to the National Weather Service, large portions of the Los Angeles area are under extreme wildfire risk from 07 to 08 January due to high winds and dry conditions. (incendio forestal) EFE/EPA/ALLISON DINNER
New York (United States), 23/09/2024.- Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa speaks during the Summit of the Future being held in advance of the general debate of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly at United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 23 September 2024. The general debate of the UN General Assembly starts on 24 September 2024. (Nueva York) EFE/EPA/SARAH YENESEL
AME3776. BRASILIA (BRASIL), 27/08/2024.- Un brigadista del Instituto Brasilia Ambiental (IBRAM) trabaja en la extinción de un incendio forestal en el Parque Ecológico Burle Marx, este martes en Brasilia (Brasil). Un juez de la Corte Suprema de Brasil ordenó este martes al Gobierno de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva destinar, en un plazo de 15 días, el "mayor contingente" de militares y policías para combatir la ola de incendios en el Pantanal y la Amazo nia. EFE/ Andre Borges

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