

AME6752. BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA), 26/06/2024.- El imputado por el intento de asesinato a Cristina Fernández, Fernando Sabag Montiel, asiste al inicio del juicio por este acto este miércoles, en los tribunales de Comodoro Pyben en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

Principal imputado por atentado fallido contra Cristina Fernández admite su culpabilidad

Sabac Montiel, de 37 años, admitió haber apretado el gatillo “una vez” frente al rostro de la exmandataria la noche del 1 de septiembre de 2022.

AME6488. QUITO (ECUADOR), 25/06/2024.- Fotografía del juicio por el asesinato del candidato presidencial Fernando Villavicencio, este martes en Quito (Ecuador). La Justicia de Ecuador inició este martes el juicio por el asesinato del candidato presidencial Fernando Villavicencio, a manos de sicarios el 9 de agosto de 2023, a once días de la celebración de la primera vuelta de las elecciones generales extraordinarias. EFE/ Str

Comenzó en Ecuador juicio por asesinato del candidato presidencial Fernando Villavicencio

El entonces candidato presidencial Fernando Villavicencio, fue asesinado a manos de sicarios el 9 de agosto de 2023, once días antes de la celebración de la primera vuelta de las elecciones.

Jueza analiza pedido de Trump de desechar caso de Florida por elección “ilegal” del fiscal

Detallaron que el fiscal general de Estados Unidos, Merrick Garland, carecía de autoridad legal para el nombramiento de Jack Smith como fiscal especial a cargo del proceso.

Más noticias

MADRID, 19/06/2024.-Fotografía de archivo de 01/02/2016, de los expresidentes del Barça, Josep María Bartomeu (i), y su antecesor, Sandro Rosell (d). El juez que investiga los pagos al exvicepresidente del Comité Técnico de Árbitros (CTA) José María Enríquez Negreira ha acordado citar a declarar a los expresidentes del FC Barcelona Sandro Rosell y Josep Maria Bartomeu en una fecha todavía por determinar.- EFE/MARISCAL
Wilmington (United States), 10/06/2024.- Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, departs his gun trial at the US Federal District Court in Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 10 June 2024. The defense and prosecution have rested their cases; the case is now in the hands of the jury. Hunter Biden is the first child of a sitting US president to face criminal charges in a federal court. EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO
New York (United States), 06/05/2024.- Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump arrives for his hush money trial at Manhattan state court in New York, USA, 06 May 2024. Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records as part of an alleged scheme to silence claims of extramarital sexual encounters during his 2016 presidential campaign. (Nueva York) EFE/EPA/NEW YORK POST / STEPHEN HIRSCH / POOL
New York (United States), 30/05/2024.- Former US President Donald Trump gestures to the media and the crowd outside of Trump Tower after a jury found him guilty on all 34 counts in his criminal trial in New York State Supreme Court in New York, New York, USA, 30 May 2024. Trump was found guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign. (tormenta, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/PETER FOLEY
Philadelphia (United States), 29/05/2024.- US President Joe Biden delivers remarks during a campaign rally at Girard College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 29 May 2024. President Biden and Vice President Harris officially launch their Black Voters for Biden-Harris campaign during the rally at Girard College, a majority Black school in Philadelphia. (Filadelfia) EFE/EPA/SHAWN THEW
New York (United States), 30/05/2024.- Former US President Donald Trump arrives to the courthouse as the jury in his criminal trial is scheduled to continue deliberations at New York State Supreme Court in New York, New York, USA, 30 May 2024. Trump is facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign. (tormenta, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANE / POOL
New York (Usa), 30/05/2024.- Former President Donald Trump comments to members of the media while returning to the courtroom in his criminal trial at New York State Supreme Court in New York, New York, USA, 30 May 2024. Jury deliberations in Donald Trump's criminal hush money trial enter a second day. The former president faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first of his criminal cases to go to trial. (Nueva York) EFE/EPA/Seth Wenig / POOL
New York (United States), 30/05/2024.- Former U.S. President Donald Trump, alongside his attorney Todd Blanche, speaks to the media as he arrives to the courthouse as the jury is scheduled to continue deliberations in his criminal trial at New York State Supreme Court in New York, New York, USA, 30 May 2024. Judge Juan Merchan gave the jury their instructions, and deliberations are entering their second day. The former president faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first of his criminal cases to go to trial. (Nueva York) EFE/EPA/MICHAEL M. SANTIAGO / POOL

Diez claves para entender el juicio penal contra Donald Trump en Estados Unidos

Nueva York, 30 may (EFE).- El juicio penal contra el expresidente de EE.UU. Donald Trump (2017-2021), un proceso de carácter histórico que podría terminar es...

New York (United States), 29/05/2024.- Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump attends his criminal trial at the New York State Supreme Court in New York, New York, USA, 29 May 2024. Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records as part of an alleged scheme to silence claims of extramarital sexual encounters during his 2016 presidential campaign. (Nueva York) EFE/EPA/DOUG MILLS / POOL Staff

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